Minggu, 27 April 2014

Response to the problems a friend

Nama   : Riski Ludvitasari
NPM   : 26211274
Kelas   : 3EB09

Certainly not anyone agree and accept whatever the name of someone pregnant outside of marriage . If you already happen to women , surely this is very detrimental to the women . If women can accept such conditions , the men  want to be responsible and the parents approve of their relationship will be a tiny fraction of the problem is easy to overcome . But if any one of these elements exist that can not accept these conditions must bear a heavy burden for women . If she does not think long and could clear him take a shortcut to an abortion or suicide . If the role of the family is hard to get the role of people such as friends nearby is needed .
Inside this issue , I have a friend who became pregnant outside of marriage , then the men don’t want to take responsibility for his actions , the parents of the friends I don’t approve of their relationship so that my friend wanted to commit suicide . I can only give as his positive support to the women . Convince him to not act rashly in his life like a suicide, however, the fetus is in the womb is his flesh and blood surrogate of God. Suicide is not the right way out. Suicide is not the right way out . Killing yourself and innocent fetus is an act of great sin . For the case where the father does not approve of women who give their relationship explanation , would help convince his father to accept the man. However the woman will soon give birth to a child , whether the child is ready ( the woman ) to raise the baby alone . And later the child will also require recognition of his father. Ready father ( father of the woman ) receives negative comments from the neighborhood who claimed the child was born without a father ? At least as to both married , the child gets the certainty of his father and of course the women will be stronger .
If the parents of the woman still can not accept the reasons to marry her son with others , give an explanation . Is not it better that the father of the baby who should be responsible . Surely there will be a strong bond between father and son , of the other people who chose to marry his son . It would be difficult for others to accept it or marry .
So this issue should be discussed well - either amicably . Parents must accept the male is also a mistake because they are in educating their children , then the parents of the woman should give advice and firmness to the men to take responsibility for his actions so that my friend should not commit suicide .

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