Minggu, 27 April 2014

Response to the problems a friend

Nama   : Riski Ludvitasari
NPM   : 26211274
Kelas   : 3EB09

Certainly not anyone agree and accept whatever the name of someone pregnant outside of marriage . If you already happen to women , surely this is very detrimental to the women . If women can accept such conditions , the men  want to be responsible and the parents approve of their relationship will be a tiny fraction of the problem is easy to overcome . But if any one of these elements exist that can not accept these conditions must bear a heavy burden for women . If she does not think long and could clear him take a shortcut to an abortion or suicide . If the role of the family is hard to get the role of people such as friends nearby is needed .
Inside this issue , I have a friend who became pregnant outside of marriage , then the men don’t want to take responsibility for his actions , the parents of the friends I don’t approve of their relationship so that my friend wanted to commit suicide . I can only give as his positive support to the women . Convince him to not act rashly in his life like a suicide, however, the fetus is in the womb is his flesh and blood surrogate of God. Suicide is not the right way out. Suicide is not the right way out . Killing yourself and innocent fetus is an act of great sin . For the case where the father does not approve of women who give their relationship explanation , would help convince his father to accept the man. However the woman will soon give birth to a child , whether the child is ready ( the woman ) to raise the baby alone . And later the child will also require recognition of his father. Ready father ( father of the woman ) receives negative comments from the neighborhood who claimed the child was born without a father ? At least as to both married , the child gets the certainty of his father and of course the women will be stronger .
If the parents of the woman still can not accept the reasons to marry her son with others , give an explanation . Is not it better that the father of the baby who should be responsible . Surely there will be a strong bond between father and son , of the other people who chose to marry his son . It would be difficult for others to accept it or marry .
So this issue should be discussed well - either amicably . Parents must accept the male is also a mistake because they are in educating their children , then the parents of the woman should give advice and firmness to the men to take responsibility for his actions so that my friend should not commit suicide .

Sabtu, 26 April 2014

Excercise 31, 32, 33 ,34

Nama  : Riski Ludvitasari   
NPM   : 26211274
Kelas   : 3EB09

Excercise 31                                                              
1.      Twelve stori
2.      Languages
3.      Three act
4.      Two day
5.      79 piece
6.      Five shelve
7.      16 ounce
8.      Six quart
9.      Brick
10.  Ten speed

Excercise 32
1.      Enough people
2.      French enough
3.      Time enough
4.      Fast enough
5.      Soon enough
6.      Early enough
7.      Hard enough
8.      Slowly enough
9.      Enough flour
10.  Enough books

Excercise 33
1.      Because
2.      Because
3.      Because of
4.      Because
5.      Because
6.      Because
7.      Because of
8.      Because
9.      Because
10.  Because of

Excercise 34
1.      So
2.      Such
3.      So
4.      So
5.      So
6.      So
7.      Such
8.      So
9.      So
10.  Such
11.  Such
12.  So
13.  Such
14.  So
15.  So

Mini test 2 for grammar items 15 through 20
1.      Telling and listening
2.      To be reviewed
3.      The truth about
4.      On it on our
5.      The
6.      Enough hot
7.      Bricks patio
8.      Such enjoyable
9.      Supplies enough
10.  Wanted
11.  In college
12.  Just wrote
13.  Was
14.  This past week
15.  Having crossed
16.  Us
17.  Had him transferred
18.  Louder
19.  Sports
20.  Than
21.  Her
22.  The
23.  The frightenedo
24.  In the
25.  Them or refer them
26.  Ought send
27.  Such difficult
28.  Because
29.  Came
30.  Too sleep
31.  Had sought
32.  In the mountains
33.  Has
34.  Salad bar for
35.  Twenty years old
36.  More sadder than
37.  Were
38.  Prior to the perfomance
39.  His is
40.  The
41.  All her
42.  Because of
43.  Definitely
44.  The more
45.  So good game
46.  The bad
47.  Among us
48.  Yours because mine
49.  The more inferior
50.  Carefully